Health Awareness Evening at Cleveleys
A cold and blustery Autumn evening did not deter over 45 ladies, gentleman and brethren from attending the latest Health Awareness Evening. It was the turn of Cleveleys Masonic Hall to hold the latest in the series of events which are proving that not only is the Mark degree the friendly degree but also the caring degree.
Keith chatting to Bob Bennett and Harry Cox
Keith Alan Beardmore, Provincial Grand Master opened the evening by welcoming all present and explaining the format of the evening, Keith mentioned how he had become very aware of his own vulnerability during his recent illness, Keith though he was invincible!
Keith explained that we would be receiving information from ambassadors for Diabetes U.K., the Alzheimer’s Society, the Stroke Association and Prostate Cancer U.K.
Gary Steele from Prostate Cancer UK was the first speaker, Gary spoke passionately about the effects of Prostate Cancer and how early diagnosis is extremely important, A P.S.A test is a simple way of early diagnosis and every man over forty is entitled to the test.
Chris Bradburn from Diabetes UK was the next speaker and Chris detailed the different types of Diabetes and the ways that charity donations like the one from the West Lancashire Mark charities can make a huge difference to the sufferers.
Jane and Sue provided the refreshments
After a break for refreshment, Andrea Smith, the local representative from The Alzheimer’s Society explained the services that she offers and what help is available to sufferer’s, Andrea described the various types of Dementia and how with the proper care and support, a good quality of life could be maintained.
Dan Phillips
Dan Phillips for the Stroke association concluded the presentations by explaining the excellent work the association do and how they receive no funding from the government, Dan said he had a number of information booklets available and urged everyone to visit the associations website.
Keith thanked the speakers and explained that the man behind the health awareness evenings was his assistant PGM Michael Clarke. Keith stressed that these evenings are not messages of gloom but rather words of encouragement and excellent advice.
John Forster, the PGM’s special representative for the area concluded the evening by thanking everyone for attended and gave details of the Children’s Christmas Party to be held on Sunday 11th December and the Afternoon Tea that would be held next summer.
Andrea Smith, Gary Steele, Keith Beardmore, Mrs Steele, Chris Bradburn and Dan Phillips
Article and Photographs Courtesy of Tony Farrar